Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Social Butterfly

Dear Cordelia,

Do you think that the teenage years are the most important times for socializing, or do you think that is a waste of time? Is what they say about Teenage years being extremely important for Social Development true?

~Not Sure What to Do


Dear Not Sure What To Do,

From your Question, I cannot really tell if you are a teenager or a parent. I am sorry.

When it comes to the teenage years, so much happens and so many changes all at once. You go from being this sheltered little kid to being expected to start making important life-altering decisions and branch out of your old comfort zone. Being a teenager is a unique time in your life to reach out and try new things and meet new people while still having the safety net of your parents close by for support. Reaching out and making friends and being social is extremely important and so is finding the balance between social life and a life of responsibility. Your teenage years should be centered around finding yourself and finding that quintessential balance.

From this conversation, I am not sure if you are the child or the parent of a teenager. I am also unsure if you are asking this question because you are unsure of some possible influences in your/your child's life.

If you are the parent, let your teenager stretch out a little and find who they want to be through reaching out to new and different people. But just make sure that they know and understand that you are there to love and support them through this process.

If you are the kid, just remember that you are still young and even though it may not seem like it, your parents aren’t the enemy. Explain to them that you need to reach out and make new friends, but that you won’t let that interfere with your school or other responsibilities.

I hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions by sending us an email to CordeliaCrossblog@gmail.com

~Cordelia Cross.

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